Apr, 27 2023 0


Welcome to the Privacy Policy page of Viabestbuys Pharmacy Guide. We are staunch advocates for the protection of your privacy and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. This policy serves as a formal document to articulate the manner in which we collect, use, manage, and secure the personal data you provide us while using our services at viabestbuys.com. It is imperative to peruse this policy with utmost diligence to comprehend your rights and our responsibilities, tailored to nurture a safe and transparent digital environment for our esteemed customers.

Collection of Information

Our online drugstore is engineered to gather only pertinent information that is necessary to furnish you with our pharmaceutical services effectively. This encompasses, but is not confined to, your name, address, contact information, and medical history. The data collection is a critical cog in the wheel to provide personalized experiences and tailored advice pertaining to medications and health supplements. Be assured that the process of accumulating this data strictly adheres to all applicable legal requirements and is undertaken with the highest level of discretion and security measures in place.

Use of Your Information

The information we collect serves as the linchpin in our commitment to offer you healthcare solutions that are affordable and specific to your needs. We leverage this information to streamline your online drugstore browsing, manage your prescriptions, and provide you with medical advice that is coherent and reliable. We take immense pride in the trust you bestow upon us and want to reassure you that your personal information is utilized with the utmost respect for your privacy, and will never be mishandled or disclosed to unauthorized parties without your explicit consent.

Protection of Your Information

In our pursuit to be the paragon of virtual pharmaceutical services, the safeguarding of your personal information is of paramount importance. We have instituted robust cybersecurity protocols and employ state-of-the-art encryption to thwart any unauthorized access or data breaches. Our website's infrastructure is designed to ensure that your data remains secure, whether it be during transmission or once it has been received by our systems. Ongoing assessments and updates to our privacy measures are regularly conducted to adapt to the ever-evolving security landscape.

Your Rights

Your autonomy over your personal information is a fundamental tenet of our privacy policy. You have the unequivocal right to review, alter, or delete any personal data that we have collected. Our policy outlines the procedure through which you can exercise these rights. We aim to provide you with the options required to control your information and maintain its accuracy for our records. Furthermore, we assure you that all your requests concerning your personal data will be handled in a timely and efficient manner.

Contacting Us

If you have any enquiries, concerns or requests regarding our privacy policy, you may contact us directly. Our devoted team is always on standby to assist you. Please direct your correspondence to our owner, Mr. Caspian Wakefield, using the email address [email protected] or you can send a letter to the following postal address: 162 Papanui Road, Merivale, Christchurch 8014, New Zealand. We vow to engage with your privacy-related issues with the seriousness they warrant and strive to resolve any issues in the most expedient way possible.